The Halfway House for Young Women in Distress

The Halfway House for Young Women in Distress is a temporary home for young women over 18 who are not in physical danger and for various reasons are unable to continue living with their families. This shelter is the only program that exists of its kind in Israel, for young Arab women. The halfway house was established to accommodate those young women, who unable to continue to live with their abusive families and for those whose families refuse to care for them, leaving them effectively homeless. 
Young women are referred to the Halfway House from community welfare offices. Most are leaving violent situations where they cannot return to their families or where their families will not accept them back. Independent living is often their only option, despite the social pressures they must face. Young women may stay in the house for up to a year, during which time they apply for housing assistance from the Ministry of Housing in order to have a place to live upon
The Halfway House is also staffed by a social worker and “guides” who help the young women prepare psychologically, socially, and economically for an independent life. Guides support the young women as they gain educational skills, find jobs, and learn how to manage a household on their own. 
Operating for over a decade, the Halfway House has been approached by an increasing number of girls and is in need of expanding its framework in order to help as many distressed girls as possible. The ambition WAV has for the Halfway House continues to grow, reinforced by our day-to-day experiences with the young women as well as the stress placed on our resources in order to accommodate as many young women as possible. Our ultimate goal is to enable every young woman in our society to value the meaning of her life and to live without fear.

Goals and objectives of project
Being a transitional institution, the Halfway House works solely to help its residents become self-sufficient on four different levels:
(1) To provide psychological therapy services and a supportive staff to help women overcome the barriers preventing them from moving on; 
(2) Practically; providing instruction gearing them to becoming accustomed to the daily concerns of living independently;
(3) Materially, by securing future housing for all of its residents; and
(4) Technically and professionally, by preparing unskilled women professionally for independent life.