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The association today defines its goals as: (1) to substantively change the position of women in Palestinian society: (2) to eliminate gender-based violence in the community, (3) t

o The Association Women Against Violence ("WAV" )is an NGO that for more than two decades has been at the forefront of the movement to champion the rights and status of Palestinian women citizens of Israel. The association aims to substantively change the position of women in Palestinian society: to eliminate gender-

Based violence in the community, to deepen popular understanding of the feminist ideology, and to raise the status of women in the social, political, economic and legal spheres. In its work to challenge the multiple levels of discrimination which women face as women both within their own community and as Palestinian citizens within society at large, the Association pursues change through a number of forums, from raising awareness to policy change. Today the association divides its work between direct service provision, social change activism, and advocacy.

WAV was formed in 1992 by a forum of Palestinian women professionals who had come together out of outrage at the lack of protections and support services in Israel for Palestinian women citizens. WAV started its work with the establishment of the first basic services for Palestinian women in Israel, beginning with what would prove to be the first shelter in the Middle East for Arab women (and their children), and Israel's first national, 24-hour crisis center hotline in Arabic. A second shelter (for young women and girls) and two halfway houses soon followed– and with them, government commitment to these services. With the establishment of a comprehensive service base, the Association began to invest more and more in social change: raising awareness of women's rights and issues across the Palestinian minority, while working to change fundamental social and political attitudes. In the late-2000s these campaigns blossomed into two additional programmes within the organization, the first to promote women's political influence and participation in public life, the second to dramatically improve their presence in the workforce. Today the Association is well-recognized nationally and internationally, serving as a key member in several regional and international forums and working alongside international instruments (such as the CEDAW convention). Nationally, WAV works not only at the community level (facilitating several hundred community workshops each year), but opposite Palestinian local and regional councils, parliament and the Israeli NGO community.

The association today defines its goals as: (1) to substantively change the position of women in Palestinian society: (2) to eliminate gender-based violence in the community, (3) to deepen popular understanding of the feminist ideology, and (4) to raise the status of women in the social, political, economic and legal spheres. In its work to challenge the multiple levels of discrimination which women face both within their own community (as women) and within society at large (as Palestinian citizens, as women), the association pursues change through a number of forum, from raising awareness activities, to wholesale policy change.


has been a staple of our work since we started over two decades ago. The organization’s shelter for battered women and halfway house accommodate dozens of women and their children each year, while our crisis center, staffed by 2 permanent staff members with over 60 regular volunteers alternating shifts fields calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is the largest Arabic-speaking crisis hotline in the country.

works to open a public discourse around the status of women in Arab society as well as issues pertaining to equality and violence against women. The program conducts hundreds of workshops each year, reaching thousands of individuals across the Palestinian minority. Among its main target groups are students and youth, women from disadvantaged localities and professional groups, for whom it conducts sensitivity training. In addition, WAV is very active on social media, launching several campaigns.

works to increase the presence of Palestinian women citizens of Israel in the decision making echelons in Israel. The program works opposite local councils and Arab political parties to increase the number of women leading their lists and councils. It also works to assist women seeking public office or advancement in the public sector by providing them with resources, guidance and access to a wide network of mentors. Finally, the program works to raise awareness of the importance of this issue among the wider public, especially Palestinian women citizens themselves.


  • The Working Group For Equality In Personal Status Isses
  • The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel
  • The Coalition for Sexuality and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies
  • Alternative Coalition 1325







Facebook page: Women Against Violence
